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Author: admin


Esperanza is clearly, personality wise, a warm half Spanish, half Dutch woman that was raised in the Netherlands. She combines in a harmonious way  sentiment and common sense; this equilibrium is clearly  expressed in the houses that she furnishes. People are impressed how she redesigns spaces with simple resources, a bit luxury but not overdone. She uses robust, natural shapes and a diversity of ...
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Apart from technical matters, location, sizes, the ‘entire picture’ should be O.K. It’s a simple fact of life: people are primarily visually oriented. And if someone thinks A, the other will not automatically think likewise. This is what happened to Miriam: “Busy, busy, busy. Job, kids, hobbies, friends... I just could not find the time to reflect and to ascertain whether the house was really pres...
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Every house has plenty of stuff, often too much stuff. It’s everywhere, from cellars to attics. Inspiration is all over the place. Which by the way also has a lot of accents, colours from way back when… The question that keeps popping up is: who will make a useful selection? Who can think of a nice new composition? And above all: who will take care of it? This is what Charles has to say about it: ...
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M. van Koesveld

Together with Esperanza I adjusted my interior a lot in the last 20 years since I know her. She is a continuous inspiration for me in the field of refurbishment. Colors that I never would have thought of are used in my interior now. I also pursued many recommendations for shops and I followed up the interior advises of 123Restyle. Initially I was a little skeptical, but after a while I really reco...
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Drs. R.J. Schnetz

Long ago I got to know the owner of 123Restyle; her sense of taste always did attract me. I immediately saw the passion she has for refurnishment. This is why I asked her to arrange the interior of my maisonette house at the Savornin Lohmanlaan in The Hague. The result was that good that I sold my house including the interior with a solid amount more than expected. A few years later when I was hou...
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